
Sunday, February 28, 2010

These little dolls I called Jessie & Jack.  Jessie's playing big sister! They are made from the same patern and only their clothing is different.  These patterns can be modified to look quite different as is shown by my art doll creation - Percival Ponce! A little narrowing here and lengthening there, a wrap of cloth and the odd embellishment and it's all looking quite different!
This beautiful doll I made from Kezi Mathews pattern 'Dear Ones"  It's almost bigger than my one year old granddaughter Claudia, who got it for her birthday!  It's a lovely doll to make with great instructions.  I made it from doll velour and used a reborning wig which fits perfectly.

My studio

This is my creative space where I make my dolls and design my patterns.  It's changed even since these pics were taken and I have a bit more room now.  Not so cluttered!

This is a doll I designed and made last year.  I wanted to make something that was fully sculpted that anyone could afford to make, so I made it in cotton fabric and used what I had on hand to embellish it.  I used the cheapest fur fabric for her hair, which ended up looking quite 'trendy'!  The doll was meant to be more about the sculpting than whaty it was wearing, so her clothing is minimalistic!

How to look good Naked!
I named the doll "Krista" after a very good cloth dollmaker friend of mine, and she has been my most successful seller so far!  "Krista is the doll I am currently teaching and my class are very enthusiastic about doing her.

Norahs is an anagram of Sharon - in case you're wondering!

My old blog had my name as Norahs, and when I changed my blog, somehow Norahs got left in and I don't know how to get rid of it!  So my posts will be signed Norahs, but you can call me Sharon.

Welcome to "SFM Cloth Dolls with Attitude!"

This is where I want to share my interests in cloth dollmaking, and I hope you will make comments on my work and help inspire me with your ideas as I hope to inspire you with my work!  I am passionate about making all cloth dolls and I get excited about learning new cloth dollmaking techniques, which I want to pass on to others who share my interests.  I hope you will follow my blog and see what I can come up with that's new and interesting.  This is my latest doll pattern, which is getting a lot of good comments from my favourite website Cloth Doll Artistry!

Free Patterns

Little Blue Penguin

I designed  this Little Blue Penguin from a poster I saw recently, and felt it captured such a quirky look that gave the creature more chara...