
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Adrianne got to go to a Jill Maas class lucky woman! Aren't they fabulous! Up close this is a magical set of dolls! Everyone commented on them! They would be fun to make!

Heather is making a Sarnie Ballerina - her second doll! She's made a great job of it too!
I made this spider called Miss Bruce!  One of my workers has a granddaughter age 2, scared of spiders.  My worker said , no- it's just Bruce!  Now every time she sees a spider, it's Bruce!  so I made her a girly one for fun!  LOL!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

This was my display at the Spinners & Weavers open day.  All my design except for the steam Punk crow(magpie in this case) and the 1920's French Boudoir Doll, which I thought too lovely not to show off!  Seh was much appreciated by people born in that era!  I enjoyed talking to people baout what they liked or disliked about my dolls, bearing in mind these ladies are all fibre artists and a lot were very traditional, but admired the work invloved.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

What do you think?  The fairy of Christmas Shopping!  I'm trying to develop this into a pattern, but struggling with the clothing.  Got to make it so it fits well and that anyone can make it easily.
The other one is a bag doll I was designing gone wrong, so I unstuffed it to the shoulders, stitched it across, put a bag on it and stitched around the arms and neck, posed the arms and stitched in place and - Voila! A cute wee PJ bag for the bed, or a cuddly doll for a toddler!

Friday, May 18, 2012

My newest creation - a Xmas Fairy!  Approximately 10 inchestall from the tip of her wired hat to the tips of her pointed feet!  This is a doll to dress up or dress down!  I'm trying to decide if she would make a pattern or not.  What do you think?  does she have appeal?

This is Heathers interpretation of my pattern - "Dance like no-one is watching!"  I'm really happy because it's her first doll!  Heather has taken to dollmaking like a duck to water and seems to be really enjoying it.  that doll looks so cool against the wall, but I think she's going to give it a stand.  Well done Heather!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gave myself a little challenge today.  There's a Victorian Mannequin at TOTE where I sell my dolls.  I thought it could do with a head, as they are going to change it's dress for the coming season.  This head is made from rolled up newspaper, calico and wadding, overlaid with thick ballet tight fabric.  It is coloured with gesso, watercolour paint, gel pen and prismacolour pencils.
Add a little hair and a hat - yes I know the eye is offcentre, but  I will fix that.  I just wanted to see if I could make a lifesize head.  Actually, it's a bit larger than life, but that might be ok.  Now I know I can make one, I could easily do another.  She looks a bit static, but not too bad for a first attempt.  The theme might be Steam Punk, so I can do something with the wonky eye to make it fit the  theme!  We're going for drama here as the Manniquin is set at the entrance, to attract the gadding crowds!  LOL!

Meet Quardle-oodle-ardle! He's an alarmist, attached to the Hedgrow Emergency Team, always on the alert for intruders in the Magpie Territorials!  He takes his job very seriously, ever ready to ward off low-flying, maurdering hawks or unsuspecting passers by, who hear his triumphant Quardle-oodle-ardle battle cry as they start to run!
This is a pattern designed by Susan Barmore, of Frowning Francis Patterns.  I really admire her work.  I love her octopus and walrus design and it was a toss-up between that and the crow!  I chose this one because I prefer not to use clay, but these dolls are great fun to make.  I used an old handbag a friend gave me for most of the embellishments.  The badge on his back pack is from the Red Cross that I found in my button box.

Free Patterns

Little Blue Penguin

I designed  this Little Blue Penguin from a poster I saw recently, and felt it captured such a quirky look that gave the creature more chara...