I've been working on my entry for this years Steam Punk Exhibition. I'm putting in three pieces this year, because for various reason's my students are unable to and I wanted a representative from the textile group to have a part to play in this genre of artistry where it's mostly metal.
I will enter my Steam Punk Magpie which I made from

made from Susan Barmore - aka Frowning Frances, fantastic Steam Punk Crow pattern, and made from bits of my friend's old handbag!
Each piece has to have a story of it's history, so here's what I've put together.
“Quardle-oodle-ardle ”
Alarmist, attached to the Hedgerows Emergency Team in the Magpie Territorial’s,
Quardle-oodle-ardle is always on the alert for intruders! He takes his
job very seriously, ever ready to ward off low-flying, marurdering hawks or
unsuspecting passersby, who hear his warning
Quardle-oodle-ardle battle cry as they make a hasty retreat!
I think people will be amazed and delighted to see that Steam Punk has hit the doll world and what can be made.
Next I will have my version of a Steam Punk Vehicle - driven by
CROSS-ETHERINGTON, Inventor of the NZR Aeronautalis
Aeronautilis was the prototype for the first Steam powered jet hover
craft. Built by genius inventor,
Mortimer Cross-Etherington, in whatever year was required. This fine machine was fitted with the latest
technology and therefore able to be used for purposes where stealth and
deliverance was necessary, because no-one could guess where it would appear
Last but not least is:
Veritas Seeker – In the second half of life,
VERITAS seeks to discover what truth she can about gender, race, creed,
sexuality, intelligence and all the restrictions of the time she is stepping away
from. She walks through this long dark time with the dim lamp of the past and the
Staff of Enlightenment that helps her stand firm in her quest for Accountability,
Truth and Justice in an ever-changing world!

I had trouble getting this doll to come together for some reason that doesn;t happen very often. I used dark fabric for a change. I've had it undone so many times, added and subtracted and I didn't know if I liked the face enough. Still not sure if it works. I liked the idea of the coloured dreads and a helpful granddaughter who is into the Playstation3 game of The Final Fantasy, so got some ideas from that. She's got a slightly Gurnge look and is definitely alternative! Not as Steam Punk as last years I think. Still, it's done and it's going in!
My last years efforts of three pieces have been invited back to the Art Gallery for the summer, so that's good - I don't have to store them at my place! LOL!
These pieces will go in the Custom House Gallery here in Oamaru, where this years Exhibition is being held.
So what do you think?