This is a Frankenweenie look-a-like I designed. It's about four inches tall and made from quilters muslin, black calico and one real bolt through his neck! I gave him away for Xmas.
Two more Xmas presents for my granddaughter Claudia - Black Beauty and the Unicorn!
I got hung up on Coleen Babcocks mystery pattern, I couldn;t get past the long legs after seeing stitl walkers at the local Victorian Fete, so thought I'd have a go and see if I could make it stand.
Shoes made in a previous shoe making class with Diane Keeler! Just the right size!
And then I made a Bat! A balancing Bat. Thought I might put a ball with it and call it "Balancing Bats & Balls', for fun!
So this is what I have been busy doing over the holidays. Making these little things and making patterns from some of them.