
Saturday, March 29, 2014

A different doll

 This is a departure from what I normally make, but I wanted to try out a different style and stretch myself.  I am not delighted with it, but I have learned quite a bit making it.
 By raising the eyes, normal eyelashes attach very well.  Of course she had to be somewhat sombre of expression to go with her dramatic looks.
 I decided to make her ball jointed for posing
 But found her head was too big to pose well, even with a rod inserted to keep it help up.  there are many things \i could have done, but stayed with this way of doing it.
 Here she is with other dolls of average size, that |I normally make.  You can see her waist is tucked in as I thought of making her a Marionette, but her new owner didn;t want that in the end.
 Here she is trying on clothing styles and hair.
 She hangs nicely
 Arms can be posed
 Here she has a wig of wool, looped to make it look fuller.
I have called her Asphyxia after the character in a puppet play.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pin Happy Pig!

This delightful Pinchshion was made from my pattern by Becke, who said she made three before she was happy with it!  Becke says she is not an accomplished sewer, so I was thrilled with her perseverance at making this project!  Well done Becke!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Saucy Sal!

Saucy Sal is my latest Saloon Gal doll.  I was trying out some different techniques to see if I could get a pose that would work, i.e. legs that would stand, a body shape and arms.

 Using silk worked really well as her dress.  Pleasing gathers to scale. 
 I liked the way her legs fit on her hips while giving the impression one hip is raised.  The dress hitched up helps this illusion too!
 The beading was some a friend made for me to use on dolls, but it only goes as far as you can see, so looks more like a collar to frame her!
 All clothing is stitched on.  I liked the roundness of her rump, so didn't want to hide it.
 All the proportions on this doll are exaggerated, i.e. the head is too big for the body, the legs are too small, the waist too narrow, but it adds to the characterisation of the doll.
On the good side - she stands unaided on her booted feet!

Her arms have no hands to give the illusion of fists on hips.

  What do you think?

Free Patterns

Little Blue Penguin

I designed  this Little Blue Penguin from a poster I saw recently, and felt it captured such a quirky look that gave the creature more chara...