
Thursday, May 6, 2010

This is my version of "The Innkeepers Wife" from Les Misrables.  She has a wire armature and fur fabric hair.  I liked the way I did the face characterisation - my first go at something like that, so I I'm pleased with the result.  Not happy with the neck though, but lovely breasts!  First time at making a doll following Jack Johnston's body armature style, but mine seems to lack hips - or something!  I was pleased with my attempot at making shoes for the first time too, so a lot of firsts with this one!  I loved the process of nutting it out anyway!  I will make a pattern of it one day soon, I think.  She could stand or sit.  I designed her costume too, and the fabric is wool!  Went together so well.

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Free Patterns

Little Blue Penguin

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