Dodo Eco Warrior! |
Dodo Eco Warrior! |
If it seems I've been quiet lately, I've actually been very busy! It's middle of winter here and there's been lots for me to do in preparation for the Steam Punk Exhibition in October. I'm doing a three piece work this year - just for fun! The Dodo Warrior here is part of it and he will go with Maximillian Masterfell and his companion, who you will see soon, so I'm not saying her name yet! I have aslo made up a quirky story to go with them, which I will share when I get a pic of them all together! She's almost done! Loved making the Dodo! This pattern is Suzette Glastonbury Rugulo's, but I chose different fabric to make it and a few additions of my own of course. I made the wee warrior's shield from the lid of a jam tin stretched with wet leather. (He reminds me of Billy Connelly!) Sorry the pictures aren't all that clear. My camera is on it's last legs! Or maybe it's the winter light - can't be my bad photography!
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