Here are a few more details of how I resolved some things. I did a lot of research while doing this piece of work. I want it to look like any soldier, not a specific nationality. Also with the nurse. I took my inspiration from a pamphlet I found on the net.
For his head, I didn't want to create ears, so made some wadding and wound the gauze around it, with the fur fabric hair scrap (I only had a little bit of this) tufting out of it.
The nurses uniform needed to be made from lightweight fabrics which polyester worked quite well. Her cape was a problem and I spent ages making one from cotton, but it was stiff and just stuck out. then luckily, I spied a scrap of red lycra poking out form under something! Just the thing as it falls so naturally. So not everything can be cotton as I prefer.
The nurses shoes, I didn't want to go to too much bother with as they will hardly be seen, so I used a stretch fabric over her foot shape and a cardboard sole, slightly longer than her foot so it would give a good shape.
The parcel has a printed out label glued on it for some sort of authenticity, and crinkled brown paper wrapping, tied with linen thread, which was also used as laces on the boots.
With doll making it's about what it looks like, rather than what it actually is! The important thing that people look at is the general posture to convey the story without words and the faces.
Thank you all for looking and I welcome opinions and critiques as this will go on display for ANZAC week and I want to convey the right message!
1 comment:
Amazing thoughts went into this. This is the addictive part of the process for me. These dolls are wonderful.
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