
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Riversdale Arts Exhibition Dolls

These are the dolls I have chosen to send to the Riversdale Arts Exhibition, coming up in July!

I loved making this one.  It was the paper hat that got me, but I just happened to have made a wee head accidentally when I was making the Anzac Dolls!  Then I saw an idea that someone had done in Art Doll Quarterly, in clay and knew this would fit!  

I call this "Bird Watcher!"

This besom lass is what I have called "Moulin Rouge"!

 She has that Tarty, coquettish look of confidence and resiliance that I admire!  And she stands alone!  Since this pic, I have added Earrings.
This is my "Old Friends Keep You Sane"! It is a pattern I designed and for sale on Etsy and Fabric Addictions. I made a stand for them and she is resting her hand on his shoulder.  Her stick is glued in place too.

I am in the process of designing another pattern just now too, so watch this space!

1 comment:

The Stitch Fiddler Bethann Scott said...

Wonderful dolls. They should be exciting for many to view at the Riversdale Art Exhibition. The little boy and elderly couple have such expression. Good work.

Free Patterns

Little Blue Penguin

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