
Thursday, May 7, 2020

Civid 19 lockdown Santos

April 30 2020

Restructuring is a difficult time for people. It means changing of ideas, work-life, finances etc - all big things that bring so much uncertainty to life.
2014 was such a time in my workplace. I made the first Santos Doll as a response to the many people who had a lot on their minds, who were suffering anxiety, or fear of the future - a bit like now actually!
The quote on her dress comes from a 13th Century mystic also known as Dame Julian, Lady Juliana of Norwich) was a Christian mystic and Anchoress best known for her work Revelations of Divine Love Who had some really good quotes. My favorite is: All will be well, and all will be well and all manner of thing will be well!
The Santos Dolls take their name from Spain, meaning Saint, and are early 1700's in origin, generally carved by priests in the early church. They found their way around the world as figureheads on ships.
My version is colourful and sassy, and while she has all the trappings of a medieval saint, her attitude is - 'Actually - everything will be OK! No need to worry so much!
I made the second one into a pattern, and have put a tutorial for needle sculpting and coloring the face is on the bottom menu of my Blog.
I wanted this Santos Doll to be saying something with an attitude of assurance and confidence, as a reminder for us today, like Santos Dolls were reminders, back in the day.
All will be well, all will be well, and all manner of thing will be well.

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